Picking the Right outfit for Portraits or Engagement Photos

Most people have that little voice in the back of their head that questions their outfit choice for their next photo session.

If you don’t know what that voice sounds like, here’s some examples of what my voice has said in the past:

“Is this too bright? Is this too dark? Why am I in all black again?! Okay, I think this outfit matches. Will I look as good in the photo as I think it looks? I hope the photographer notices we both matched our outfits?”

If any of that sounds like your voice, then check out our 5 easy tips for picking the right outfit for your next photo shoot:

1. Be You!

We know that sounds cliché, but we mean it! If what your wearing is like something that you’d actually wear on the daily, then you’re well on your way to picking the perfect photoshoot outfit. Not only will you be comfortable throughout your photo session, but your photos will feel more natural to you and your personal character.

For an engagement photo session, try to think of it almost like a first date, without the jitters. Dress for you and your spouse to be, no one else. Keep it classy but try to incorporate romantic vibes with your outfits. Some ways to do this are to simply color match outfits with little color matching trinkets or things alike. Don’t try to match colors too much, unless that’s what you guys are all about. In that case we suggest matching kitten sweaters, cause like… who doesn’t like a cozy cat sweater.

2. Avoid Large Logos or Branding.

Sometimes it’s important to ask yourself: are you in an advertisement or a photoshoot?

Large logos or distracting Branding can completely take away from your photo. The image then becomes about the product and not the subject. Which is the opposite of what you or your photographer want.

If you’re a Label-Head, just try to keep it subtle: stick with single small logo’d clothing. Tastes can change over the years and Brands can randomly become “canceled” with todays culture. The last thing you want is to be caught wearing the logo of a company that has been publicly shunned.

3. Do What You Can to Stay Away From Textured Clothing & Too Many Layers.

Wool knit sweaters, Fur skin clothing (real or not), Leather jackets with studs, or anything that will not rest on the body naturally can misshape the body in images. The heavy fuzz from the wool or additional puff and multiple layers can also be distracting to the image, and not to mention, becomes one more thing your you or your photographer to adjust during/after the shoot. Again, the more comfortable you are the more natural your images will feel.

However, as said in tip number 1: Be you. If wool sweaters, layers of flannel, or studded jackets are your thing then wear it with pride. If your photographer can’t work with your style, then we suggest finding another Photographer. It’s a fairly saturated market and would be easy to find a photographer that actually matches your wants and style.

Check out our post on finding the right photographer for you here

4. Match Your Style to Your Location.

Sometimes it’s as simple as, if you’re going for an outdoorsy feeling to your photos then wear outdoorsy clothes. If you’re going for that matching family image, then we suggest everybody getting their outfits from the same store. Most retailers carry what is trending, and the trends tend to match throughout the store, which makes outfit matching a breeze for families who are always busy. If your budget conscious, then we suggest even checking out a Walmart type retailer or following the color themes with outfits from home, you can even use a color wheel when selecting matching clothing.

If you feel like nothing is matching you or your location, the easiest way to solve your problem is to stick with neutral-muted colors from your closet.

Think image continuity as well here. If its snowing outside and you’re doing an outdoors session, then stick to neutral greys and earthy browns to counter the white backdrop of the snow. Remember, if you match your location too much, you can risk blending into the images background and no longer being the subject of the image.


5. Don’t Forget About Your Shoes & Other Accessories.

 The last piece of a perfect photoshoot outfit are the shoes and other accessories. If you’re not a “no shoes” family, then the shoes are what is going to be what makes or breaks your photos. Just imagine, you’ve spent all day picking out your perfect outfit and feeling anxious about getting your photos taken. Then you get through your photoshoot and wait for the photographer to send you your images. You get the email. They’re ready!!! Then you look at them and BAM your old Nikes, from 2012, stick out like a sore thumb and become the subject of focus.

Same goes for your other accessories like watches, jewelry, or even your headband. If those items are dated, don’t match the rest of the outfits or looks too rustic while the rest of your outfit is on point, then it will totally ruin your outfit.

Bonus Tip:

When it comes to brainstorming outfit ideas, the internet can be your best friend. It’s as simple as Googling “Outfit ideas for a photoshoot”, but just to make things a little easier for you, just check out this Pinterest page for some cool ideas:


Honestly, at the end of the day the only thing that really matters is if you’re happy with your images. You can stand in the mirror and try on outfits or worry that you’ve mismatched your colors all day or you can follow these 5 simple steps and ease the stress of picking out the perfect photoshoot outfit.

Thanks for reading! Stay safe.


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